What is it about ?
The "legal protection" guarantee allows you to be represented and defended by your insurance in legal proceedings.
It can also allow you to obtain legal information on a situation or to find an amicable solution in a dispute between you and a third party.
This is the case, for example, if you are in conflict with a neighbor or with a service provider.
The insurer can also act on your behalf in court, in particular in 2 types of situations
- You are requesting compensation from a third party for damage that you believe you have suffered
- You must defend yourself because a third party believes that you have suffered damage for which you are responsible.
How to subscribe?
You can subscribe to it in a specific legal protection contract.
It can also be integrated into a contract, for example, in a comprehensive home or automobile insurance. It can then only intervene within the limits of the scope of the contract.
Thus, for example, the legal protection of an automobile insurance contract will allow you, if you are the victim of a traffic accident, to be defended if you have a dispute with the other driver.
It may be included in certain services. Thus, for example, certain bank card contracts may include them.
If the guarantee is integrated into a global contract, there is no additional cost.
If it is a specific contract, the cost varies depending on the insurance company and the extent of the guarantee.