The Five Essentials of Multi-risk Insurance

The Five Essentials of Multi-risk Insurance

Everything a business needs to know to be in good standing with its property and casualty insurance.

1st essential: The fire permit

Putting in place a fire permit means reporting on the preventive measures in place, but also recalling the instructions to be followed to avoid a fire. It contains the contact details of the people to contact in the event of a fire as well as the protection available.

The fire permit will prevent you from penal sanctions (art. 322-5 and following of the Penal Code), and significant deductibles on your damage insurance.

2nd essential: Protecting the surroundings of your business

Clean frequently, tidy up the premises and the immediate surroundings. Keep them clean. Keep the bins closed in a closed place etc ...

So that the passages and separations between buildings are really kept free of any storage, it is necessary:

Move any dumpster more than 10 meters from the buildings, even if it means showing the distance by a barrier along the buildings.

Formalize daily patrols outside buildings.

Prohibit all parking in the immediate vicinity of buildings.

Strictly limit the delivery time of vehicles to the actual delivery time / collection of goods.

3rd essential: Respect for the smoking ban

This is an essential step! Even if there are exceptional circumstances such as a leaving party. Indeed, fires caused by badly extinguished cigarette ends can be very slow and not be detectable until long after the occupants have left.

* The maximum fine is a class 4 fine of € 750 in almonds.

4th essential: Electricity

Q18 certificate: Produced by an approved organization, it certifies the level of control of the electrical risk. Carried out annually, such a check indicates the work necessary to be carried out on your electrical installation.

Q19 certificate: In addition to the annual verification of electrical installations, thermography checks may be requested. They will be carried out by an operator whose skills are certified by the CNPP. (National Centre for Prevention and Protection)

5th essential: Fire extinguishers

The Q4 certificate: The Q4 certificate, issued annually by a certified company, guarantees the quality of the installation of your extinguishers.

Staff training: The actions to be undertaken in this area relate in particular to the establishment on a regular basis.

Appropriate mark-up and signage (delimitation of risk areas, installation of emergency lighting, evacuation plans, etc. It must be kept up to date and displayed)

On a controlled management of the implementation of the products,

On training and information (creation of a second response team, handling of extinguishing means, evacuation exercise, training to react in accordance with identified or foreseeable scenarios, etc.)

On the organization of the evacuation and the intervention of internal rescue teams ...

How do you prevent the spread of a fire?

Set up first response teams that will facilitate the evacuation and arrival of firefighters.

Train staff in the use of extinguishing media (extinguishers, RIA, etc.).

Organize regular evacuation drills.

Train agents working in positions presenting a fire risk, to react in accordance with identified or foreseeable scenarios.

What you risk by not implementing "the 5 essentials"

Proportional rule of capital in the event of fire:

    Cancellation of the company after a disaster: It will be very difficult to find an insurance which is willing to guarantee the risk and especially at reasonable prices.

    Possibility of being attacked by your employees in the event of bodily injury for serious misconduct, without this being covered by an insurance company.

    1 in 2 companies are forced to stop their activity after a fire disaster.

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